2022-23 Hong Kong School Drama Festival
日期: 20/04/2023
Our School English Drama Team performed on 28th February in the Hong Kong School Drama Festival and achieved excellent results:
Award for Outstanding Performer
5D Ma Tsz Yau
5A Li Ho Hon Benjamin
Award for Outstanding Audio-visual Effects
Aberdeen St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School
Award for Outstanding Cooperation
Aberdeen St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School
Congratulations to our English Drama Team. The story is about a mischievous boy Alan meets the beautiful Princess Jasmine and vows he will marry her. However, their marriage are terminated by the evil magician, John.
All the 17 team members and the teacher-in-charge, Ms Lau, Ms Keung and Miss Kwan works really hard for this project. Throughout this year, the members took an active role throughout this process under teachers’ guidance. We are delighted to see students who are
motivated and creative to keep practicing! Their performance was wonderful!
Here are the photos we took while they were performing today